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LEI CODE: 984500F8FB7A03D6DC63
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LEI CODE: 984500F8FB7A03D6DC63


The group fund TRADERSON FOUNDATION, is conveniently located in European Union and Central America, in the regions known for its privileged position in financial world and traditional service economy.

TRADERSON FOUNDATION is involved in attracting investment in innovative projects that promote human development, offers tax, property and financial planning services, as well as advice on all aspects of asset structuring and asset securitization through domestic and international trusts, private foundations, companies with several jurisdictions and other innovative legal tools, making it easier for customers to better plan strategies based on integrated and effective solutions.

TRADERSON FOUNDATION advices a broad range of clients, both individuals and institutional, including professional and individual trustees, executors and administrators, banks, and financial consultants. All interactions are based on a strict code of ethics and conducted under the highest international standards and industry norm

We invest worldwide and between Business Angels investments and Series A.

Pirority countries:

Western Europe, Southeast Asia, Central America,  India.

Preferred stage:

Seed, following Business Angels round and before Series A.

But we are not afraid to be the first or among the first investors in a company. We are also open to co-found a business with entrepreneur having proven track record and seeking for both a partner and initial financing to launch a venture.


The Team is the most important aspect to us.

We are excited to partner with founders with a vision of the future, a drive to build the next big thing and persistence for excellence in execution.


We invest in innovative projects that promote human development, medical projects, movie market, innovative agricultural production , digital media, mobile and B2B2C space.

We have a preference for models with clear monetization, strong Unique Value Proposition addressing defined need in a market and with an opportunity to build a sizeable business within 3-5 years.


The Traderson Foundation will develop its own original policy for managing innovative investments for the customer, which is carried out in the following stages:

1. Analysis of the state of innovative assets used by the enterprise in the previous period. The purpose of this analysis is to study the dynamics of the total volume and composition of the innovative assets used, their share in the total volume of intangible and non-current assets of the enterprise, the system of indicators of the effectiveness of their use.

2. Formation of the general need for innovative investments in the planning period in accordance with the used innovation strategy of the enterprise. There are the following four types of innovative strategy of the enterprise, which determine the volume and types of its innovative investment:
    "Everything is new - yourself." This type of innovation strategy is associated with the activities of enterprises that independently develop and are the first to introduce innovations. The general need for innovative investments with this type of innovative strategy is formed mainly due to the volume of development of new scientific and technical products within the enterprise itself and partly through the acquisition of patents.
    "Fast second". The essence of this type of innovation strategy is that the company, observing the innovative activities of its competitors, quickly picks up and implements the innovations they have implemented. The general need for innovative investments with this type of innovation strategy is formed mainly due to the volume of development of scientific and technical products in the form of "engineering" and partly due to the acquisition of know-how.
    “Backlog with minimal cost”. This type of innovation strategy lies in the fact that the enterprise does not deliberately develop new scientific and technical products on its own, but waits for it to appear on the market, using it subsequently with a significant reduction in the cost of its acquisition. In this case, the general need for innovative investments is formed mainly through the acquisition of know-how.
    "Filling in the gaps". This type of innovation strategy is based on the implementation of only selected elements of innovative products available on the market. The general need for innovative investment in this case is formed mainly due to the volume of acquisition of non-exclusive licenses for know-how and franchising.

3. Selection and cost estimation of innovative investment objects. This process is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, in the context of the types of innovative investments provided for implementation in accordance with the chosen strategy, the proposal is studied and specific investment objects are formed (acquisition of know-how, payment for engineering services, etc.) that require financing in the coming period. At the second stage, the cost of individual investment objects is assessed. This assessment is based on the following principles:
    for scientific and technical products, the market value of which is determined and fixed by the seller, the assessment is carried out on the basis of the offer prices;
    for products that have no analogues (usually specific engineering services), the assessment is carried out on the basis of contract prices previously agreed with the contractor;
    for scientific and technical products developed by the enterprise, the assessment is carried out according to the volume of the corresponding capital budget for its development.

4. Planning the need for investment resources for individual stages of innovation. Such calculations are carried out taking into account the total cost of investment objects and the life cycle of innovation (it consists of the following stages:
- development of an innovative solution;
- initial commissioning;
- expansion of implementation;
- improvement of innovation;
- termination of innovation.

5. Determination of the effectiveness of innovative investments. It is based on the use of the same indicators as for real investments (see Assessment of the effectiveness of real investments). The profit from the introduction of innovations is calculated using the direct account method or the method of differences (the difference between the amount of profit after and before the introduction of the innovation).

Our company employs professionals who have repeatedly confirmed their high skills in facing challenges
There is no panacea against "all problems". Every time when starting a new case, our lawyers perform it only on the basis of the Client's real situation, trying their best in avoiding patterns and prejudgements.
The success of any project depends on the decision and its implementation quickness. Responsiveness represents one of the key elements in our activity.
Working with Clients information and documents, we respect the strict confidentiality and exclude any information leakage during and after the end of our cooperation.



For every business solution that we provide our lawers make legal document, such as contracts, agreements, etc. on a highest International Legislation level.
Please download primary legal documents related to our business activity below


After you call or send us a message, we will review your information and our team will contact you quickly to go over the information submitted.





Bolivia's Golden Hectare Crop Project


MORINGA plant growing project


Innovative, charitable and cultural projects of the foundation.

Fuel-free renewable energy generator produces clean energy


Film by Maria Bezruk


Financing the publication of a best-selling
book by an estonian writer


Traderson Foundation


Aseri, Estonia  + 972 559 664742


USA , Canada                      +18455332363
London, UK                         +447458148186
Bucharest, Romania            +40725974222
Tel Aviv, Israel                      +972523384960
Berlin, Germany                  +4915124394141






" Договорен фонд ... - инвестиционен фонд Traderson Foundation "
